7М06133 Software engineering

7М06 Information and communication technologies(Field of education)
7М061 Information and communication technologies (Direction of training)
M094 Information Technology(Group of Educational Programs)

OP goal:

Providing comprehensive and high-quality training of competitive, highly qualified specialists ready to solve practical and theoretical problems of professional activity in modern conditions based on the development of skills and abilities necessary for a future specialist.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • To form linguistic and communicative competencies for communicating in a foreign language in one’s professional activities to build professional relationships in the context of intercultural, scientific communication, expanding scientific connections and developing research activities based on the development of new information resources and technologies.

  • To form the professional and psychological competence of future IT specialists in management activities and to know the theoretician–methodological foundations of management psychology, the psychology of workforce management.

  • Equip graduates with knowledge, competencies, practical skills, leadership qualities and problem-solving skills in economics, management and business.

  • Develops various approaches to engineering design, both in general and solving specific problems in specific subject areas, skills in independent analysis of new trends and software engineering concepts.

  • Analyzes readiness to participate in work on fine-tuning and mastering information technologies during the implementation and operation of information systems.

  • Applies adequate methods of mathematical and systems analysis and decision theory to study functional problems of managing technical objects based on domestic and world trends in the development of methods, management, information and intellectual technologies .

  • Study the devices of microprocessors, their manufacturing technologies, types of modern microprocessors, features of the application and methods of operating modern microprocessors in information and measurement systems and in software engineering.

  • Develops plans and programs for organizing innovative activities, evaluates the technical and economic efficiency of research, design of modern information systems using big data processing and comprehensive provision of data protection and security.< /p>

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